"Non Omnis Moriar" - Horace

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

McGuffin updates

Script has been completed since just before this past weekend. started shooting some indoor scenes. following are a few screenshots of some of the footage.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

updates on "The McGuffin"

In this story, we open with our main character making a strange transaction with a shady figure. We open with the main character starting down a set of stairs into a very old basement. somehow with large amounts of money, the main character makes a deal with the shady character for a mysterious box, its contents unknown, except to the shady figure and our main character. dialogue is exchanged about the importance of the box and how others are looking for it. the shady character strongly explains the importance to the main character the fact that the box must remain hidden, or locked away otherwise an unfortunate set of events might befall not only him, but many others. the main character says something like... "well im not going to just let it sit on the top of my fuckin dresser."

---I would like the treatment of the contents of the box to be as if it were a list of some sort of sensitive information that many may not want to be revealed.---

the main character leaves and the shady figure is approached by another shady character. their conversation starts off screen "yeah?... can i help you, or are you just gunna stand there you dumb shi....(sounds of a semi-automatic gun going off) - here the camera will record the flashes of light from the gun on the wall as the audience hears the gun and the soft thud of the first shady character's body hitting the floor.

the main character runs into another character who jumps him and robs him of the box. the main character finds a clue that leads him to the robbers hideout where he fights and kills the robber and gets the box back. at the end of the short, our main character returns home and locks the box away in a safe, which is then locked in a cabinet.

approved settings for film:
basement in beginning
park near robbers hideout
main characters house
inside car with main character

house in which basement scene will be filmed

park in which main character kills robber

Monday, February 11, 2013

The MacGuffin (working title)

In fiction, a MacGuffin is a plot device in the form of some goal, desired object, or other motivator that the protagonist (and sometimes the antagonist) is willing to do and sacrifice almost anything to pursue, protect or control, often with little or no narrative explanation as to why it is considered so important. The specific nature of a MacGuffin may be ambiguous, undefined, generic, left open to interpretation, or otherwise completely unimportant to the overall plot. A MacGuffin can sometimes take a more abstract form, such as money, victory, glory, survival, power, love, or even something that is entirely unexplained, as long as it strongly motivates key characters within the structure of the plot.

In this story, we open with our main character making a strange transaction with a shady figure. somehow (whether it be with large amounts of money or some sort of promise) he makes a deal with the character for a mysterious box, its contents unknown, except to the shady figure and our main character.

the box may have to be delivered in return for the shady characters promise of the mans safety... or the box could contain something that the main character doesnt want anyone else to see which is why he might buy it for large sums of money.

either way, the main character runs into another character who somehow robs him of the box. the rest of the story could be about our main character tracking down that character and gettin his box back, and at the end of the movie he locks it away.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


artists statement - A man, nameless because he represents your everyday man, decides to stay late at his job to finish some paperwork, not realizing the strange series of events that is unfolding. This leads to the hellish realization that he is stuck at work, with no way out, which in turn leads to this mans loss of hope and surrender to despair. This video stands as a simple metaphor for how a growing number of people feel in corporate America everyday, proven by the amount of depression medication prescribed by doctors daily. I mean to show this metaphor to the audience by allowing them to view this character in his state of helplessness. When was the last time you felt trapped at work?

I had a great time filming this and i feel like i gained lots of good experience when it comes to knowing what to shoot for and setting up for continuity and making sure you do not catch your reflection when there is so much glass around. Click the link at the top of this page to continue to my video art page and watch Desperation