"Non Omnis Moriar" - Horace

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Macguffin (part 2)

The past couple weeks I have been making sure all of the actors I will need for the final scene will be available. scheduling is a very important ascpect of the filming for this final sequence. making sure all props and equipment is in order is the next important thing.

for the second part of this film, the script isnt quite finished, but here is basically how it will go.

Jim (our protagonist) will awake a couple hours later from being drugged by his love interest Christy. Immediately realizing that the box of information he has been protecting this whole time is about to be turned into the man he was protecting it from. Jim calls a friend of his who meets him at his place (since Christy stole Jim's car). Jim's friend arrives with lots of guns. Jim and his friend drive to Frankie's place, where they silently kill off the guard(s?) at the door and make their way down to Frankie's illegal underground mini-casino. After a bit of heated dialoge between Frankie and Jim, a large plot twist is revealed, leading Jim and his friend to exterminate Frankie and all of his men. Jim kills his brother in the process and leaves on a not-so-upbeat note with a voiceover from Jim trying to convince himself that this was the only way.

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